ice cream and dvd, Last Song from Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth
dvd bajakan and tons of ice cream is a big no no before go to bed.. i know..
especially the "bajakan" part.. piracy is a crime.. ya ya i know..
but I can't help itttt.. :p
maybe someday, when I become billionaire, I promise I will stop do piracy.. hahaha
another guilty pleasure:
- indomie
- biting my nails
- eating before sleep
- hairspray ( aerosol nya bisa membolongi ozon.. hahaha)
- put the tv on eventhough I'm sleeping
- males manasi mobil. hahahha akibatnya, aki soak..
- education isn't my first priority, but in this semester, I promise I will change (amen)
- in a call while charging, I know it will make my battery drop, kefefet.. hahaha